
A Warm Welcome

Latter Rain Mission is an international church group whose roots sprung up in South Africa. Please page through our website to experience more about us.

Our motto is Christ in us and Christ through us.

We believe that the more Christ is in us, the more it will have a ripple effect and flow over to others.
This in turn will create a desire in their hearts to receive Christ, as we have.

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"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Matt 28:19-20


About Us

The Latter Rain mission is a Pentecostal denomination who believes in the Trinity; God our Father, Jesus Christ our Redeemer and Saviour and the Holy Spirit as our Guide and Counsellor.

The Latter Rain Mission consists of several congregations throughout Southern Africa and a few around the world. Our aim is to serve the congregations through fellowship and, helping them to grow and develop into disciples of Christ, who will continue the process of making disciples for Him.


Our Community

One of the Latter Rain Mission’s salient characteristics is that we have a very strong sense of community. This manifests in the strong network there exists in the congregations. Acts 2 describes the original Christian community as a community known for its devotion to Jesus’s teachings and its commitment and love for one another.

In addition to this, we strive to be salt of the earth, adding a pleasant flavour to our milieu and to stop the spiritual decay caused by sin. We also strive to be the light of this world, shining the light of Christ in this lost world. If the world experiences this in action, we hope they find themselves attracted to Christ too.



We share newsletters, sermons, testimonials and even live video streaming with our community.

Join our community and Facebook page for regular updates, news and encouragement.

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